ADIP Scheme
Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase / Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP Scheme)
- Revised Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/ Appliances (ADIP Scheme) w.e.f. 01.04.2014.
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- Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances (ADIP), 2014 – issuance of further guidelines reg
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- Guidelines approved for Hearing Impaired for financial assistance under revised ADIP Scheme.
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- Kits approved for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for financial assistance under the revised ADIP Scheme
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- Aids/Devices approved for Leprosy affected for financial assistance under revised ADIP Scheme.
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- Aids/Devices approved for Visually Impaired for financial assistance under revised ADIP Scheme
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- Registration of State Government/District Social Welfare Officers for Online Processing of Cases for GIA under ADIP & DDRS.
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- Order of online Processing of Proposals of NGOs/VOs under ADIP from 2014-15.
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- Online processing of Proposals of NGOs / VOs regarding ADIP
- Distribution of Motorized Tricycle (battery operated) and Motorized Wheel Chair (battery operated) under ADIP Scheme-relaxation of minimum age from 18 years to 16 years – OM No. 4-2(82)/2014/DD-I dated 26.3.2015.
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- Cochlear Implant Surgery under ADIP Scheme (2014-15) – Letter No. 4-2(8)2014/DD-I dated 3rd March, 2015 regarding.
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- Revised Scheme of ADIP – Guidelines for issuance of Disability Certificates to Children with Special Needs for assistance under ADIP-SSA (OM dated 23/01/2015)
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- Letter No. 5-46/2015/DD.I dated 05.05.2016 regarding empanelment of 18 hospitals for Cochlear Implant Surgery under ADIP Scheme.
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- OM. No. 5-46/2015/DD.I dated 05.05.2016 regarding aids and assistive devices approved for Orthopedically Impaired under ADIP Scheme.
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- Letter No. 5-46/2015/DD.I dated 05.05.2016 addressed to NIVH, Dehradun regarding decisions taken in the meeting of Core Group for Visually Impaired held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (DEPwD) on 21.03.2016
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- OM No. 5-46/2015/DD-I dated 18.07.2016 regarding revision in the rates of medical and corrective surgeries for orthopediaclly impaired.
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- OM. 4-2(32)/216/DD-I dated 07.03.2017 regarding use of Adhaar under Section 7 for benefits under ADIP Scheme
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