SIPDA Scheme
Schemes arising out of the Implementation of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995
The grants-in-aid are provided under this Scheme to State Governments and various other bodies, set up by the Central and State Governments, including Autonomous Bodies and Universities, to support activities, pursuant to implementation of the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, particularly relating to rehabilitation and provision of barrier-free access. The District Disability Rehabilitation Centres (DDRCs) and Composite Rehabilitation Centres (CRCs) set up by the Department are also provided support under this scheme. The range of activities for which grant-in-aid is provided with regard to barrier free access is wide, which includes ramps, lifts, tactile paths, new product development and research etc.
� �A thrust has been given during 2014-15 to the following activities:-�
- To provide barrier free environment in important government buildings (State Secretariat, other important State level offices, Collectorates, State University Buildings/ Campuses, Medical Colleges and Main Hospitals at Divisional Headquarters, other important Government buildings), for PwDs as per Section 46 of the PwD Act. This would include provision for ramps, rails, lifts, adaptation of toilets for wheelchair users, brail signage and auditory signals, tactile flooring, etc.
- To make Government websites at the State and District levels accessible to PwDs, as per guidelines for Indian Government Websites issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (D/o AR&PG), Government of India, which are available on their website
- To set up early Diagnostic and Intervention Centres at the district headquarters.
- To offer Skill Development Progammes for Persons with Disabilities.
- To offer one time grants to State Governments for providing infrastructural facilities to Offices of State Commissioners for Persons with Disabilities.
- For the following activities figuring in Section 45 of PwD Act:
- causing curb cuts and slopes to be made in pavement for the easy access of wheel chair users;
- engraving on the surface of zebra crossing for the blind or for persons with low vision;
- engraving on the edges of railway platforms for the blind or for persons with low vision;
- devising appropriate symbols of disability;
- For construction of Special Recreation Centres for PwDs where the appropriate Governments/local authorities have their own land. In this context, inference has been drawn from Chapter VII, Section 43 (c) of PwD Act
- For any other activity specified in the Act but for which financial assistance is not being provided/covered by the existing schemes of the Department of Affairs which may be considered on case to case basis with approval of the Minister (SJ&E).
Budgetary allocation for the year 2014-15 has been notionally divided among States/UTs based on their population of PwDs as per Census, 2011, and proposals invited from them for central assistance accordingly. In the year 2014-15 grants-in-aid was released to 6 States and 01 Union Territory and 32 institutions/organizations including CRCs and DDRCs for accessibility related activities.
Scheme for Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act (SIPDA) size:( 1.83 MB)
Scheme for Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 size:( 0.23 MB)